Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Playaways are here!

Playaways, pre-loaded digital audiobooks, are now available. Playaways are great for walkers, joggers, commuters, travel by car and/or plane, and for people who enjoy audiobooks and are looking for additional titles. Mention this post and recieve your free lanyard with your playaway checkout so you can wear the playaway while you listen to it (While supplies last and one per patron please). Ear buds are available for $2.00, or you can use your own with or without an adapter. A transmitter, available for sale at your favorite electronics store, can enable you to listen to your playaway via your radio in older vehicles. For newer cars use a direct connect cable and the auxiliary port in your car's audio system. We thank the Junior League of Pelham for the Pelham Loves to Read Program, which enabled the Library to purchase these new materials and introduce them (and additional audiobooks on CD) to Library patrons. --Patricia Perito, Director

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Adult Summer Reading Program

Enjoy Summer Reading as Much as the Kids Do!
Monday, July 7 through Thursday August 7, 2008 at


“Summertime, and the living is easy…” It’s a great time to relax and enjoy a good book! We have created a program to enhance your reading pleasure.

Enjoy a new book or rediscover an old favorite, either fiction or nonfiction. After you read or listen to it, please write a short, informal book review. You can submit it to us in one of two ways:

1. Type it on an 8 ½ x 11” piece of paper, and drop by the library to hand it in. Please fill out and submit one entry form with each book review.

2. Send it to the Library blog on the Pelham Library website: We'd love to be able to post your book review on our blog so that other readers may enjoy them. Who knows, maybe we'll get a conversation started! We will fill out entry forms for each book. (Reviews that are e-mailed online will not be accepted, nor will anonymous submissions.)

For every book you read or listen to from July 7 to August 7, you may enter to win prizes that we will draw for at 8 p.m. on five Thursday evenings: July 10, 17, 24, 31, and August 7. The prizes are gift certificates to Barnes & Noble. After August 7 we will compile all the descriptions and reviews in a booklet for display.

Entry forms are available at the circulation desk. Please limit submissions to one entry per book per person. No registration is required; however, participants must fill out each entry form completely and must have a current Westchester Library System member library card.

Happy reading, and we look forward to seeing you!

Claudia Gisolfi, Librarian
Generously funded by the Friends of the Library
Library Friends, Trustees, & Staff not eligible